Saft mit Alfalfa-Sprossen und frischen Minzeblättern

Juice with Alfalfa sprouts and fresh mint Leaves

Juice with Alfalfa sprouts and fresh mint Leaves

Vorbereitungszeit 6 Tage
Zubereitungszeit 10 Minuten
Gericht Juice & Drinks


  • 6 g organic Alfalfa sprout seeds
  • 1 apple
  • 20 g cucumber
  • 1 organic orange
  • 2 fresh mint stems with leaves
  • 5 g fresh ginger
  • crushed ice
  • 1 tbsp Omega 3-6-9 oil


  • Soak the Alfalfa sprout seeds for 8 hours and grow for 6 days until the leaves unfold and turn green.
  • Put the sprouts inkl their roots in a bowl of cool water and stur gently. Change the water to remove the seed hulls. Repest the rinsing if needed.
  • Put all sprouts except a few of the sprouts and the tops of the mint stems in the juicer with cucumber, orange and ginger. Juice and pour the juice in a glass with ice and oil. Add the 15 last sprouts with the mint tops for decoration in the glass.
  • TIP You can exchange Alfalfa sprouts with Sunflower sprouts if you wish for a sprout with more bite and size.
Keyword alfalfa, alfalfa sprouts, drink, juice
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