In this article, I will explain everything you need to know to grow pea shoots successfully. You will find an easy step by step guide to grow your own crispy greens hydroponically in elegant trays – without soil.
It may sound quite fantastical that plants can grow without soil, and I will share the interesting reasons for this too in this article. As well as many tips to ensure your success with your home-grown Pea Shoots.
Content in this article on Pea Shoots
In this article on you can learn:
- Why are Pea Shoots so popular?
- Understanding the Basics of Pea Shoots
- How to grow Pea Shoots in 6 steps
- Step by Step Guide to Pea Shoots
- Choosing the Right Pea Seeds
- Where to buy High Quality products
- Caring for your Pea Shoots
- Harvest Pea Shoots several times
- Different Ways to Cook Pea Shoots
- Vegan Recipes with Pea Shoots
Why are Pea Shoots so popular?
Pea shoots have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their delicious taste, high nutritional value and aesthetic beauty in any dish.
In food your home-grown Shoots are a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes, from salads to stir-fries and soups. Their crisp, fresh flavor make them a popular choice for salads too.
But their taste and texture is not the only reason for their popularity. Pea shoots are also a great source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, iron, and potassium, and they are low in calories and fat.
Are you into beautiful dishes? Then you will find that your home-grown shoots add great aesthetic looks with their curly stems and fine leaves.
An extra plus is the fun and rewarding experience of growing your own leafy greens…and telling your guests about it as you enjoy the little microgreens in your served dishes.
Understanding the Basics of Pea Shoots
You will discover that growing your own edible shoots is very fun and rewarding.
Pea shoots are the young sprouts of pea plants. That means that in stead of planting the peas outside in your garden, you grow them in pots with soil or in sprouters without soil.
Here the peas will first grow a white root in 2-3 days. Soon after they will develop the green stem. As the stem grows longer, it develops sets of green leaves.
After 12 to 14 days, the stem is about 10 cm long and has several leaves. It is now ready for you to harvest it. You eat only the stem and leaves on these crispy shoots. So simply cut the stems a few millimeters above the peas. You do not eat the roots and peas when you grow Pea shoots.
When you grow these greens correctly, you will get a tasty and delicious alternative to more traditional greens, such as lettuce and spinach.
Step by Step guide to growing Pea Shoots
Here is how you grow Pea Shoots in 6 easy steps:
- Measure the amount of peas you need for your sprouter or hemp mat.
- Let the measured out amount of peas soak in cool water for 8 hours.
- Pour the soaked peas onto the wet mat or into the sprouter.
- Place the mat or sprouter in the shade in your kitchen.
- Rinse every morning and evening with cool water until peas are moist.
- Harvest the mature pea shoots when they are 10-15 cm long.
TIP 1: When you harvest the shoots, you only eat the green stems and leaves of the plant. You do not eat the peas and roots them-selves. You can eat the shoots raw or slightly cooked in many different dishes as I explain below.
TIP 2: You can also read how your can harvest from the same peas several times later in this article.
Choosing the Right Pea Seeds for Shoots
When you wish to grow your own pea shoots, the most important factor is the quality of the pea seeds you use.
I recommend that you always choose pea seeds that are specifically marketed for sprouting. This is important as these seeds are selected especially to produce more consistent results and have a high germination percentage.
But certified sprouting seeds are also tested for harmful bacteria such as Listeria, E. Coli and Salmonella according to the law for sprouting seeds here in Europe. Garden seeds are not under such restrictions as garden seeds are not meant for consumption but for planting i soil.
All seeds from in FRESH SPROUTS shop are certified sprouting seeds and I am regularly visited by the Danish Food Department to ensure I follow the rules that exist for organic sprouting seeds in Europe. This is your security for clean, certified organic seeds sold especially for sprout and microgreen cultivation.
You can find everything for your Pea Shoots in my European webshop
Caring for your organic Pea Shoots
It is fun to grow Pea Shoots hydroponically – without soil. In stead of soil you grow then either on hemp mats or in sprouting trays like the SproutPearl sprouter.
You will notice, that Pea shoots are easy to care for and require very little attention. You initially let them soak in water for 8 hours. Then you pour them onto the hemp mat or into the sprouter. After that you simply water them regularly to keep them moist but not directly wet. They should grow well just with these few guide lines.
If you’re growing pea shoots indoors, many choose to fertilize them once after harvesting first time. But fertilizing is actually not necessary as Peas draw in nitrogen from the air and can grow simply from this. It sounds quite fantastical, but Peas and many other legumes can do this. it is because pea plants flourish in symbiotic relationship with rhizobia – a special and non-harmful bacteria that live in nodules in the legumes’ roots. This bacteria feed the pea plants, so it can grow without you adding fertilizer to it.
Isn’t this just interesting?!
Harvest fresh Shoots several times
Pea shoots are ready to harvest when they reach about 4-6 inches / 10-15 cm in length. This will take about 12-14 days when you grow them in a temperature of 37 °C.
You eat only the stem and leaves on these crispy plants. To harvest these mature plants, simply snip the shoots off a few mm above the peas. Be careful not to damage the roots of the plants if you plan to harvest from them more than once.
More than once? Yes, you can actually harvest from the same pea two to three times. To do this you just need to cut the stem above the lowest set of leaves on the stem. This way the stem will form new shoots on the crease of the stem.
After the third harvest the taste become less interesting. Then you simply clean the sprouter and start over on a new batch of plants.
Note, that harvesting several times will only work, if you grow the pea plants indoors. If you’re growing them outdoors, you can expect to harvest only once, as the plants will bolt and stop producing shoots once the weather warms up.
Fresh Pea Shoots in your cooking
So how do you start your Pea Shoot adventure
Questions from other Readers
Les pousses de pois sont les jeunes feuilles tendres et les vrilles des plantes de pois. Ils ont une saveur délicate et sucrée et regorgent de nutriments. Vous les récoltez 2 à 3 semaines après les avoir plantés.
Pour utiliser les pousses de pois dans votre cuisine, il suffit de les rincer soigneusement, de couper les extrémités coriaces et de les ajouter aux salades, aux sautés ou aux sandwichs pour leur donner une touche de fraîcheur et de vitalité.
Oui, vous pouvez consommer l’ensemble de la pousse de pois, y compris les feuilles et les vrilles. Les vrilles sont délicates et ont une texture légèrement croquante, ajoutant une touche agréable aux salades ou comme garniture. On ne mange pas le pois ni les racines des pousses de pois.
Oui, les pousses de pois sont très nutritives et offrent toute une série de bienfaits pour la santé. Ils sont riches en vitamines A, C et K, ainsi qu’en folates et en fibres. Ils contiennent également des antioxydants. Vous bénéficiez pleinement de tous ces nutriments lorsque vous mangez les pousses de pois crues.